# sc - renoise
[SuperCollider][] and [Renoise][] extensions that allow integration of the two tools.

## Status
Currently only a single part of the SC extension exists. The class
does two things currently:

*    Maps SynthDef's to Renoise instruments such that they can be     sequenced/played/recorded in the manner of any other Renoise     instrument.
*    Provides quick access to all of Renoise's [OSC commands][]

Although this code is functional you should note that this is work in progress and is likely to change significantly.

It's only been tested on Linux with Jack installed.

Abilitare l'orologio vicino a Beats/Min, in questo modo Renoise sarà il Midi Slave
nelle Preferenze abilitare il Midi Slave sulla Porta Midi A a cui è connesso il Midi Through
che arriva da Seq24...