Supercollider + Renoise
# sc - renoise
[SuperCollider][] and [Renoise][] extensions that allow integration of the two tools.
## Status
Currently only a single part of the SC extension exists. The class
does two things currently:
* Maps SynthDef's to Renoise instruments such that they can be sequenced/played/recorded in the manner of any other Renoise instrument.
* Provides quick access to all of Renoise's [OSC commands][]
Although this code is functional you should note that this is work in progress and is likely to change significantly.
It's only been tested on Linux with Jack installed.
## Setting Up
### SuperCollider
* This class requires the JACK Quark to be present. See
[Using Quarks][] in the Help if you aren't sure how to install
* Copy [][] in to your SC Extension's folder. You can find its location by executing the following in SC:
* SC now needs to be restarted
### Renoise
* Renoise needs to be set up to use Jack Audio in it's [Audio Preferences][] with at least 4 (preferably more) input channel's.
* [OSC communication][] needs to be turned on in Renoise.
## Use
### Preparing SuperCollider
Boot the server and connect MIDI inputs to SC:
### Using the Renoise class in SuperCollider
Create a Renoise object:
r = Renoise();
or if you've tweaked the OSC settings in Renoise:
r = Renoise("", 3333);
### Creating a Renoise Instrument for a SynthDef
Define a SynthDef in the usual manner:
SynthDef(\sound, { |out = 0, gate = 1, freq = 440, amp = 0.5|
var sig, env;
env =, 0.9, 0.3, 1), gate, doneAction: 2);
sig = * amp * env;, sig);
Then create a Renoise instrument and have it wired up to the SynthDef like so:
Switch over to Renoise and trigger the SynthDef by playing the keyboard. This can now be sequenced/played/recorded like any other Renoise instrument.
#### How the SynthDef mapping worked
\sound Synths are now being triggered by MIDI notes coming from Renoise, with it's parameters mapped as follows:
* MIDI note -> freq
* MIDI velocity -> amp
* MIDI note on/off -> gate
The out argument of the SynthDef was automatically set an appropriate SC output which is routed into Renoise via a Line Input device.
The .createSynthDefInstrument() method is clever/presumptuous enough to detect if a SynthDef should be played monophonicly or polyphonicly and also deals with mono/stereo SynthDefs sensibly.
If the SynthDef passed in does free itself it will be set up such thatmultiple Synths are created and can be played polyphonicly.
A single Synth will be created if the SynthDef passed in doesn't free itself (has no doneAction) and it's parameters changed each time a note comes in. i.e. it is played in a monophonic fashion.
### Manipulating Renoise
Now set up Renoise's bpm and start and stop it playing:
r.bpm = 128;
Mute and unmute a track:
Change a device parameter's value:
// set track: 1, device: 4, parameter: 3 to 0.5
r.setDeviceParameter(1, 4, 3, 0.5);
Play Renoise Instruments:
// play instrument 1 on track 1 with note 64, velocity 111
r.noteOn(1, 1, 64, 111)
// turn off note
r.noteOff(1, 1, 64)
All of Renoise's [OSC commands][] have convenience methods similar to
those above. You'll need to refer to the "Standard renoise OSC messages" section of [][] to find them for now, they won't be documented properly for a few days yet.
## Contact Details
It'd be much appreciated if you could log questions, bugs and feature
requests here: <
I'll also respond to queries on [sc-users][] or to mails sent directly
to me at <>
[SuperCollider]: http://supercollider.
[Using Quarks]:
[OSC commands]:
[OSC communication]:
[Audio Preferences]:
[sc-users]: http://new-supercollider-